BASF Veterans Jobs

Job Information

Skagit River System Cooperative Accounting Specialist in Burlington, Washington

{height="96" width="96"}[S]{lucida="" sans";="" color:="" rgba(0,="" 70,="" 107,="" 1)"=""}[kagit River System Cooperative]{lucida="" sans";="" font-size:="" 17pt;="" color:="" rgba(0,="" 70,="" 107,="" 1)"=""}

{height="5" width="574"}[12559 Pulver Road, Burlington, WA 98233•P.O. Box 368 La Conner, WA 98257]{lucida="" sans";="" color:="" rgba(0,="" 70,="" 107,="" 1)"=""}

[Phone: 360-466-7228 •]{lucida="" sans";="" color:="" rgba(0,="" 70,="" 107,="" 1)"=""} [ ]{lucida="" sans";="" color:="" rgba(0,="" 70,="" 107,="" 1)"=""}

Accounting Specialist

Position Overview The accounting specialist will provide immediate support to the financial department with various accounting tasks to maintained organizationalgoalsrelatedtotherecoveryofwild salmon stocks. This position performs numerous accounting functions to aid consistent and timely financial reporting and reporting across departments and grants. Fundingforthisposition issubject tothe availability ofgrantsorcontracts funding. This position receives guidance from and reports directly to the Finance & Administrative Manager.

Fundamental to the position is being able to support the Finance & Administrative Manager on the first day of work with limited training across the following responsibilities:

Accounts Payable:

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