Job Information
SEK-CAP Child & Family Development Educator (Chanute) in Chanute, Kansas
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Position Summary:Primary advocate for families enrolled in the home-base or center -based option. To provide in-home instruction as well as a group socialization experience to parents and children (infants/toddlers) which will enhance the parents ability to fill the role of primary nurturer of their child. Maintain on-going contact with families and work with all other components (health, nutrition, family services, mental health, special services, parent education and resource/referral) to integrate services into the family setting. This position will support the center as needed by providing minimal time in the classroom to ensure the safety of children. The center families will be served through home and office visits. This position will provide parents with the necessary tools to become self-reliant through the development of a Family Development Partnership and referral to local resources. Must meet requirements per Federal Head Start Performance Standards and any local, state and or agency policies and procedures.
Essential Functions
? Recruit families to apply for the Early Head Start and Head Start program within identified service areas. (FA/FE)
? Maintain a waitlist of eligible families and maintain contact with the families on the waitlist. (FA/FE)
? Submit all required documentation for application approval and enrollment. (FA/FE)
? Build rapport with families and create a respectful relationship through the Family Development Partnership with the families. Builds trusting working relationships with families and provide services responsive to each familys individual living situation, cultures, beliefs, values, languages, practices, and traditions. (FA/FE
? (FA/FE)
? CFDE work with the teachers to foster child and family wellbeing.
- Using the tiered approach with families identifying their strengths and building goals to improve self-reliance.
- Conduct home visits as the tiered approach identifies and follow up on family centered goals.
? All information case notes, updated goals, 90-minute home visits, lesson plans, etc. will be entered into the database (Apricot). Complete and submit all required documentation according to timelines. (FA/FE)
? Give parents a voice and support them in becoming decision makers for the program, recruit for Policy Council. (FA/FE)
? Partner with parents and other staff to provide 2 socializations per month, parent meetings per month and parent engagement activities. (FA/FE)
? Transport families as per program requirements to support families needs and goals. (FA/FE)
? Instruct and support parents in using Positive Behavior Support strategies to prevent and defuse disruptive behavior. (FA/FE)
? Identify, refer to, schedule appointments and work cooperatively with local community agencies and providers to ensure comprehensive services to meet family needs. (FA/FE)
? Assist parents and health staff with collection, tracking, referral, transportation (use community resources first), and follow-up in all health, immunization and dental requirements. (FA/FE)
? Assist families to identify their strengths and available resources to work toward their goals for their childrens development and familys well-being. (FA)
? Conduct comprehensive educational 90-minute weekly home visits to families including all components based on curriculum and parent engagement. A comprehensive home visit includes parent engagement, health and safety, nutrition, child development including special needs (as applicable) and social services. (FE)
? Provide prenatal mothers with home visits and with information, training, and support to meet both baby and mothers needs.
? Create a monthly newsletter. (FE)
? Maintain ongoing assessments for each child, which includ Developmental Observations (checkpoint assessments), ASQ-3 and ASQ-SE screenings and parent feedback. (FE)
? Provide support in parent and child activities encouraging developmentally appropriate activities for the changing needs of infants and toddlers (FE) ? Educate parents and prepare with parents one nutrition activity per month. (FE)
? Comply with Head Start Performance Standards.
? Respect and support cultural differences and diverse family structures.
? Continue Professional Development as required for this position.
? Demonstrate good work habits such as arriving on time and adhering to appropriate break times.
? Attend mandatory In-Service trainings, staff meetings, and other events as required.
? Maintain a clean and adequately serviced vehicle
? Maintain clean resource items, assessment items, etc..
? Responsibility to report any suspected abuse or neglect to appropriate authority.
? Advocate for SEK-CAP, Inc. in the community.
? Maintain and assure confidentiality and privacy of SEK-CAP, Inc. customers.
? Uphold and promote the core values and mission statement of SEK-CAP, Inc.
? Support management decisions both in actions and words.