BASF Veterans Jobs

Job Information

Neosho County Community College Summer instructor in Chanute, Kansas

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Neosho County Community College

Upward Bound Summer Program 2024

Academic Instructor Job Description

The Upward Bound Summer Program at NCCC is a free six-week residential college prep program that

simulates the college experience. Participating students will take classes that help with their upcoming high school

curriculum and prepare them for college. Students will also participate in fun activities with community and campus


The Upward Bound Program is looking for five instructors to teach high-school-level academic subjects:

Composition, Literature, Science, Math, & Spanish. This is a seasonal position beginning May 28 and ending June 27,

2024. A Bachelors degree and teaching certification are required. At least three years of experience teaching high

school students (grades 9 12) is preferred. Pay amount is \$2,800.

Instructor Expectations

1. Be a positive role model for UB participants.

2. Help participants develop academic, motivational, personal, and leadership potential.

3. Encourage students to be self-confident, independent learners.

4. Classes are taught Monday-Thursday, except for the first week, where there are no classes on Monday, May

27 (Memorial Day), so classes the first week are taught Tuesday through Friday. Each class will be repeated

every other day (M/W/F or Tu/Th).

5. Develop innovative, student-centered lesson plans to enrich student skills during the five weeks.

6. Students will be split into 3 Levels. The material taught in Level 3 will be slightly more advanced than in Level

2, which is slightly more advanced than Level 1.

7. Create and administer a Pre-Test to be given during Week 1 and a Post-Test to be given during Week 5. This

test should determine improvements in student comprehension.

8. Grade student work and enter their grades into the Google Classroom at least twice a week.

9. Monitor student progress throughout the course and update the UB Staff several times a week with student

grades via Google Classroom.

10. Curriculum content should be based on knowledge and skills required to pass the Kansas Assessment

Program at the proficient level or higher and successfully complete the college preparatory curriculum

recommended by the Kansas Board of Regents.

a. Literature & Composition: focus primarily on the Kansas Assessment vocabulary and helping participants

develop their writing skills. Kansas ELA Standards

b. Math: emphasize becoming familiar with Algebra, graphs, tables, and charts, as well as ACT math prep. KS

Math Standards

c. Spanish: include listening to, reading, and speaking the language. KS Standards for World Languages

d. Science: include several hands-on activities, including laboratory and fieldwork. Science Standards

11. Attend a staff orientation meeting before the summer program and any other staff meetings.

12. Work in conjunction with a paraprofessional in your classroom.

13. Submit copy requests/supply requests in advance.

14. Notify the UB office in case of sickness or absence (24 hours in advance, if possible).

15. Submit all required paperwork on time.

16. Show patience and interest in all UB students.

17. Cooperate and collaborate with other summer UB instructors and staff.

18. Be available to work all of your scheduled class times from May 28-June 27, 2024. (a substitute may be

allowed with prior notice and UB staff permission.)

19. Be flexible, cooperative, and creative, and keep a sense of humor.

20. Facilitate student learning in the classroom.

21. Creatively present classroom instruction, using multimedia during instruction.

22. Keep up-to-date records on attendance

23. Be willing to assist UB Staff with activity setup as needed.

24. Other duties as assigned and hours are subject to change.






