BASF Veterans Jobs

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Vitesco Technologies Material Planner in Debrecen, Hungary

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A Vitesco Technologies 2024. október 1-jével egyesül a Schaefflerrel, hogy egy vezető hajtástechnológiai vállalatot hozzon létre. Miközben ez az átalakulás folyamatban van, továbbra is elkötelezettek maradunk a jelenlegi projektjeink és a folyamatos növekedésünk támogatására a tehetségek felvétele mellett. Arra bátorítunk, hogy jelentkezz erre a pozícióra, és alakítsd velünk a holnapot.

Material Planner

Material Planner

Job ID: 36928


Debrecen, HU

Job Flexibility:


Material Planning and creation of orders towards the suppliers

Tracking of critical materials and in-time receptions of supplier materials

Direct communication with suppliers, monitoring supplier performance

Responsible for the achievement of customer and supplier delivery performance based on the targets

Responsible for handling supplier logistics claims

Responsible for inventory management and to maintain the targeted inventory stock levels

Close collaboration with Production Planning, Customer Logistics and Warehouse

Job requirements:

Advanced technical, economic or logistical degree

1-3 years experience at a manufacturing company

Knowledge in SAP

Advanced user of Microsoft Excel and Power Point

Why should you choose us? Let us share some reasons!

Happy Friday: we choose a Friday every month related to different themes and we treat our colleagues with food and drink specialties.

Fruit Day: we vitalize our colleagues with fresh fruit at least once a month.

Coffee and tea consumption: all colleagues can drink coffee and tea free of charge, moreover, they can choose from several options.

Service discount system: our colleagues can take advantage of discounts at several local service providers just by presenting their badge card.

Camp allowance: we know how difficult childcare is during the summer holidays, therefore we financially support the camping of children.

School start contribution: this way we alleviate the financial burden on families with children so that school starting should remain a pleasant experience for everyone.

Corporate bus service: we help our colleagues to get to work with shift-aligned bus services

Electric charging stations: colleagues arriving with electric vehicles can charge their batteries free of charge.

Family Day: a community building day when everything is about family; We take care of you regarding programs, food and drink, colleagues just need to have fun.

Green Week challenge: for a whole week, we will show the world what we are doing to protect our environment.

Sport & Health Week: with sports opportunities, educational lectures and screening tests, we call the attention to the importance of a healthy lifestyle.

Movie nights: four times a year we invite our colleagues to watch movies together, we pay for the cinema ticket.

Football team: our team represents our company in the local small-field football league, but we also participate in the Automotive Football Cup and the Deutsche League in Debrecen.

Bike Club: We relax together on bike tours, on commonly defined weekends we jump on two wheels and have different lengths of bike tours.

Advanced level of English knowledge

Proactive person with good communication skills and teamwork spirit

German language knowledge is an advantage

A Vitesco Technologies a tiszta mobilitást szolgáló modern hajtástechnológiák vezető nemzetközi fejlesztője és gyártója. Az elektromos, hibrid és belső égésű hajtásokhoz használható intelligens rendszermegoldásokkal és alkatrészekkel a Vitesco Technologies tisztává, hatékonnyá és megfizethetővé teszi a mobilitást. A termékportfólió elektromos hajtásokat, elektronikus vezérléseket, érzékelőket és működtetőket, valamint kipufogógáz-utókezelési megoldásokat tartalmaz. 2023-ban a Vitesco Technologies megközelítőleg 9,23 milliárd euró értékben értékesített, és közel 35,500 munkavállalót foglalkoztat 50 telephelyén. A Vitesco Technologies központja a németországi Regensburgban található.
