Job Information
USIC Telecom Line Worker Apprentice in Gardiner, Maine
Job Description:
Is it time to elevate your career with a company dedicated to being the best in the industry; who values integrity, dedication, and hard work? If so, On Target wants you to join their ranks! We offer competitive pay, a generous benefits package and opportunities for advancement.
At On Target, we are a fast-growing company that provides a variety of utility services such as power line, telecommunications, metering and smart grid services throughout the Northeast. Relocation assistance is available.
This position is an entry-level position to the Telecom Line Worker position and will provide support in the construction and maintenance of line projects telecommunications lines and related equipment/structures/facilities both overhead and underground.
Starting pay for this position is $21-$24.50/hr. DOE.
Your Responsibilities:
Develop a thorough knowledge of all relevant construction safety and maintenance operating standards/codes/policies/guidelines.
Under supervision, progressively expand working knowledge/understanding of all types of line work following all construction safety and maintenance standards/codes/policies/guidelines. Tasks including, but not limited to:
working on/around energized lines and equipment (overhead and underground facilities),
installing and removing poles,
climbing transmission and distribution poles/structures,
assisting in the installation and maintenance of all equipment related to telecommunications poles/structures,
assisting in the installation of fiber optic cable (overhead and underground),
secures/operates tools, equipment and instruments of the trade and ensures required maintenance is performed.
Learn to read, interpret, and work from sketches, diagrams, and work plans.
Work with internal and external teams in a professional, courteous manner to meet all project requirements, inventory/equipment needs, and schedules including any required documentation.
Must be able to work a flexible schedule to meet customer demands/schedule, including overtime and emergency duty as requested (nights, weekends, holidays).
Perform other duties as assigned by management including leadership responsibilities when required.
What We Need From You (Our Requirements):
Must have a valid Driver’s License with the ability to obtain CDL (Commercial Driver’s License); CDL highly preferred.
High school graduate or equivalent; relevant college/technical school training or equivalent work experience highly preferred.
Must have a demonstrated working knowledge/understanding of relevant utility design, construction, and maintenance including related equipment, safety requirements, standard operating procedures, and federal/state/local laws.
Ability to successfully obtain and/or maintain required licenses/certifications/documents.
Must have professional interpersonal and communication skills, both verbal and written, and a strong work ethic; self-motivated.
Must demonstrate leadership skills by proactively coaching, mentoring, and directing the work and training of less experienced coworkers.
Ability to obtain/maintain a DOT Medical Examiner’s Card (DOT Card).
Ability to climb utility poles and/or work out of an aerial lift device.
Ability to lift 100 lbs. on an occasional basis and up to 50 lbs. frequently.
Ability to work outside in all types of weather conditions including standing, walking, and working on uneven ground for the full workday.
Ability to operate/drive all trade-related equipment/vehicles for several hours every day.
Must have the ability to see/distinguish colors and to hear clearly.
W h y You ' ll Love Wo rk i n g for Us ( O u r B e n e fi t s ) :
100% p aid t r ai n i n g – We ' r e in v e sted in you, s t a rting on your f irst day.
Co mp a n y p h o ne a n d necessary e qu i p m e n t – Adv a n ce d t e c hnology you c a n c ount on.
Daily p ay – A cce ss your p a y wh e n you n e e d it mos t . I nstantly tr a ns f e r yo u r e a rnings to your b a nk s a me d a y.
Co mp re h e n sive i n s u r a nc e o p tions – A v a ri e ty of e x ce l l e nt insur a n c e c h oic e s including medi ca l, dent a l, v i sion, a nd l i f e .
401(k) w ith c o mp a n y m at c h – W e will h e lp you s a ve for the long t e rm w i th our c ompeti t ive 401 ( k) e mp l oy e r m a tch p r o g r a m.
PTO (Paid Time Off) a n d p aid h ol id ays – Even in your first year, s o you ca n sp e nd t i me w i th your lov e d on e s.
Job-Related Perks – We provide annual allowances for required work gear such as FR clothing, work boots, and prescription safety glasses.
T ec h Heal t h D e sk – D e dic a ted re p r e s e n t a t i v e s to g e t you wh a t you ne e d wh e n you n ee d i t .
Employee Discounts & Perks – Outstanding discounts at major retailers and service providers.
We are an Equal Opportunity Employer