BASF Veterans Jobs

Job Information

USIC Telecom Line Worker Apprentice in Gardiner, Maine

Job Description:

Is it time to elevate your career with a company dedicated to being the best in the industry; who values integrity, dedication, and hard work? If so, On Target wants you to join their ranks! We offer competitive pay, a generous benefits package and opportunities for advancement.

At On Target, we are a fast-growing company that provides a variety of utility services such as power line, telecommunications, metering and smart grid services throughout the Northeast. Relocation assistance is available.

This position is an entry-level position to the Telecom Line Worker position and will provide support in the construction and maintenance of line projects telecommunications lines and related equipment/structures/facilities both overhead and underground.

Starting pay for this position is $21-$24.50/hr. DOE.

Your Responsibilities:

  • Develop a thorough knowledge of all relevant construction safety and maintenance operating standards/codes/policies/guidelines.

  • Under supervision, progressively expand working knowledge/understanding of all types of line work following all construction safety and maintenance standards/codes/policies/guidelines. Tasks including, but not limited to:

  • working on/around energized lines and equipment (overhead and underground facilities),

  • installing and removing poles,

  • climbing transmission and distribution poles/structures,

  • assisting in the installation and maintenance of all equipment related to telecommunications poles/structures,

  • assisting in the installation of fiber optic cable (overhead and underground),

  • secures/operates tools, equipment and instruments of the trade and ensures required maintenance is performed.

  • Learn to read, interpret, and work from sketches, diagrams, and work plans.

  • Work with internal and external teams in a professional, courteous manner to meet all project requirements, inventory/equipment needs, and schedules including any required documentation.

  • Must be able to work a flexible schedule to meet customer demands/schedule, including overtime and emergency duty as requested (nights, weekends, holidays).

  • Perform other duties as assigned by management including leadership responsibilities when required.

What We Need From You (Our Requirements):

  • Must have a valid Driver’s License with the ability to obtain CDL (Commercial Driver’s License); CDL highly preferred.

  • High school graduate or equivalent; relevant college/technical school training or equivalent work experience highly preferred.

  • Must have a demonstrated working knowledge/understanding of relevant utility design, construction, and maintenance including related equipment, safety requirements, standard operating procedures, and federal/state/local laws.

  • Ability to successfully obtain and/or maintain required licenses/certifications/documents.

  • Must have professional interpersonal and communication skills, both verbal and written, and a strong work ethic; self-motivated.

  • Must demonstrate leadership skills by proactively coaching, mentoring, and directing the work and training of less experienced coworkers.

  • Ability to obtain/maintain a DOT Medical Examiner’s Card (DOT Card).

  • Ability to climb utility poles and/or work out of an aerial lift device.

  • Ability to lift 100 lbs. on an occasional basis and up to 50 lbs. frequently.

  • Ability to work outside in all types of weather conditions including standing, walking, and working on uneven ground for the full workday.

  • Ability to operate/drive all trade-related equipment/vehicles for several hours every day.

  • Must have the ability to see/distinguish colors and to hear clearly.

W h y You ' ll Love Wo rk i n g for Us ( O u r B e n e fi t s ) :

  • 100% p aid t r ai n i n g – We ' r e in v e sted in you, s t a rting on your f irst day.

  • Co mp a n y p h o ne a n d necessary e qu i p m e n t – Adv a n ce d t e c hnology you c a n c ount on.

  • Daily p ay – A cce ss your p a y wh e n you n e e d it mos t . I nstantly tr a ns f e r yo u r e a rnings to your b a nk s a me d a y.

  • Co mp re h e n sive i n s u r a nc e o p tions – A v a ri e ty of e x ce l l e nt insur a n c e c h oic e s including medi ca l, dent a l, v i sion, a nd l i f e .

  • 401(k) w ith c o mp a n y m at c h – W e will h e lp you s a ve for the long t e rm w i th our c ompeti t ive 401 ( k) e mp l oy e r m a tch p r o g r a m.

  • PTO (Paid Time Off) a n d p aid h ol id ays – Even in your first year, s o you ca n sp e nd t i me w i th your lov e d on e s.

  • Job-Related Perks – We provide annual allowances for required work gear such as FR clothing, work boots, and prescription safety glasses.

  • T ec h Heal t h D e sk – D e dic a ted re p r e s e n t a t i v e s to g e t you wh a t you ne e d wh e n you n ee d i t .

  • Employee Discounts & Perks – Outstanding discounts at major retailers and service providers.

We are an Equal Opportunity Employer
