BASF Veterans Jobs

Job Information

ATI Instrumentation Associate in Monroe, North Carolina


  • Provide Leadership, Coordination and Organization in the sustaining of all Process and Control related equipment.

  • Assist in the Incremental Improvement of our equipment and Processes and provide Coordination with Engineering as requirements dictate.

  • Assist Maintenance Associates in the Sustaining and Troubleshooting of all Process and Control related equipment.

  • Provide advanced Controls and Automation Troubleshooting support as required.

  • Provide Technical Support to Maintenance Associates in the Troubleshooting of electrical, hydraulic, vacuum, and pneumatic equipment and instruments.

  • Develop Procedures in the Form of Task Element Sheets or equivalent for all Process and Control related Instrumentation to ensure the Maintenance associate are capable of sustaining equipment in a compliant Manner.

  • Provide training to Maintenance Associates in the Sustaining and Troubleshooting of applicable Process and Control Equipment using TES or equivalents when applicable.

  • Provide Coordination of all Software and Firmware changes required within the Process area. This Coordination must be consistent with existing Configuration Control Procedures

  • Act as Primary Liaison between Operations and Engineering

  • Ensure compliance to Company Policy and Procedures as it relates to the Sustaining of our Process and Control Equipment

  • Assist with completing minor repairs to advanced Hydraulic, pneumatic, electrical, and vacuum control systems when required.

  • Complete repairs to power supply systems when required.

  • Complete minor repairs and calibrate ultra sonic inspection equipment.

  • Provide training to new Maintenance Associate when needed to better prepare them for electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic, and vacuum issues.

  • Make electrical and minor mechanical repairs to Lab equipment.

  • Provide afterhours support when needed.


  • Work across departments and plants when required based on the needs of the business.

  • Provide support to East R&D facility, as well as BPO lab, also provide support for any research or testing for new practices.

  • Provide Technical Support outside of department as well as Internally.

  • Participate in cross Plant Communications when required for the purpose of sharing Best Practices

  • Work with contractors, service technicians, engineering personnel when servicing or installing equipment.

  • Perform other duties as assigned by supervisor.

    Proven to Perform. From the edges of space to the bottoms of ocean, our materials are proven to perform -- and so is our team. We're hiring high performers as proven as our products. Join us.
