BASF Veterans Jobs

Job Information

Eurofins Senior Controller in Nové Zámky, Slovakia

Spoločnosť Eurofins NSC CEE s.r.o. poskytuje podporné činnosti v oblasti IT, HR a ekonomických služieb pre spoločnosti v holdingu Eurofins.

Duties / responsibilities:• Issue timely and complete group financial reporting for companies in SEE according to IFRS• Provide financial analyses and management reporting with group KPIs to the operational management and group• Support SEE managers in preparing yearly budgets, forecasts and cash flows• Maintain group databases with legal, operational and financial information for SEE companies• Support implementation of Group Guidelines• Participate in projects in finance in SEE region

Required skills:• University degree in Finance, Economics or equivalent directly-related experience• Business Fluency in English, knowledge of other languages would be an asset• 3+ years of experience in accounting and/or controlling• Proven ability to manage multiple tasks/projects and prioritize appropriately in a dynamic work environment• Strong data analysis skills and ability to work with complex data and information• Experience with consolidation and budgeting system or databases• PC proficiency including Microsoft Office, especially Excel, Word, PowerPointValued skills:• Open-minded personality, flexible, creative, friendly attitude• Strong interpersonal skills to build up the relationship with internal clients and suppliers• Effective communication with team members and stakeholders• Ability to work analytically in a problem solving environment within a dynamic team• Details and result oriented, able to drive change• Oriented to customers (internals and externals) in a professional manner• Proactive and self-motivated, able to work independently but with solid contribution to the team• Strong organizational, multi-tasking, and time-management skills• High motivation to complete actions in a timely and comprehensive manner to achieve the goals


Eurofins Scientific is an international life sciences company, providing a unique range of analytical testing services to clients across multiple industries, to make life and our environment safer, healthier and more sustainable. From the food you eat, to the water you drink, to the medicines you rely on, Eurofins works with the biggest companies in the world to ensure the products they supply are safe, their ingredients are authentic and labelling is accurate. Eurofins believes it is a global leader in food, environmental, pharmaceutical and cosmetics products testing and in agroscience CRO services. It is also one of the global independent market leaders in certain testing and laboratory services for genomics, discovery pharmacology, forensics, CDMO, advanced material sciences and in the support of clinical studies.

In over just 30 years, Eurofins has grown from one laboratory in Nantes, France to over 47,000 staff across a network of more than 900 independent companies in over 50 countries and operating more than 800 laboratories. Eurofins offers a portfolio of over 200,000 analytical methods to evaluate the safety, identity, composition, authenticity, origin, traceability and purity of biological substances and products, as well as providing innovative clinical diagnostic testing services, as one of the leading global emerging players in specialised clinical diagnostics testing.

In 2019, Eurofins generated total revenues of EUR € 4.56 billion, and has been among the best performing stocks in Europe over the past 20 years.

Eurofins Scientific je medzinárodná spoločnosť v oblasti prírodných vied, ktorá poskytuje jedinečnú škálu služieb analytického testovania klientom vo viacerých odvetviach, aby bol život a životné prostredie bezpečnejšie, zdravšie a udržateľnejšie. Od potravín, ktoré konzumuješ, po vodu, ktorú piješ, po lieky, na ktoré sa spoliehaš, Eurofins spolupracuje s najväčšími spoločnosťami na svete s cieľom zabezpečiť, aby výrobky, ktoré dodávajú, boli bezpečné, ich zložky sú autentické a presné označované. Eurofins je presvedčený, že je svetovým lídrom v testovaní potravín, životného prostredia, farmaceutických a kozmetických výrobkov a v službách CRO v oblasti poľnohospodárskej vedy. Je tiež jedným zo svetových lídrov nezávislého trhu v určitých testovacích a laboratórnych službách v oblasti genomiky, objavov farmakológie, forenznej analýzy, CDMO, pokročilých vedách o materiáloch a v podpore klinických štúdií.

Za viac ako 30 rokov sa Eurofins rozrástol z jedného laboratória v Nantes vo Francúzsku na viac ako 47 000 zamestnancov v sieti viac ako 900 nezávislých spoločností vo viac ako 50 krajinách a prevádzkujúcich viac ako 800 laboratórií. Eurofins ponúka portfólio viac ako 200 000 analytických metód na vyhodnotenie bezpečnosti, identity, zloženia, autentickosti, pôvodu, sledovateľnosti a čistoty biologických látok a produktov, ako aj poskytovania inovatívnych služieb v oblasti klinického diagnostického testovania ako jedného z popredných svetových hráčov na trhu špecializovaného klinického diagnostického testovania.

V roku 2019 generoval Eurofins obrat 4,56 miliárd EUR a patrí medzi najvýkonnejšie spoločnosti v Európe za posledných 20 rokov.
